The Urban Traffic Link Tunnel (UTLT) is an innovative underground transportation system for the modern metropolis, typically consisting of a main tunnel and several linked tunnels. To provide proper fire protection to the UTLT structure, the maximum temperature beneath the ceiling needs to be determined. However, as the effective height of the UTLT is lower than that of a normal tunnel, the maximum temperatures under the UTLT ceiling are different from those in normal tunnels. A theoretical analysis and CFD simulation were performed in this work to estimate the maximum temperature under the ceiling in UTLT. The smoke temperatures at 0.2 m under the ceiling of the UTLT were computed for different heat release rates, longitudinal ventilation velocities, and tunnel heights. Based on the simulation results, a new semiempirical model for the maximum temperature under the ceiling during UTLT fires has been developed. The comparison of the new model predictions with experimental data indicates that the model can predict experimental results fairly well and is suitable for the UTLT fire protection design.