We have demonstrated an all-fiber supercontinuum (SC) laser source with tunable average power with nearly constant spectra. The laser source consists of a repetition rate tunable master oscillator power amplifier (MOPA), seeding by an actively harmonic mode-locked Yb-doped fiber laser, and a SC generation system. By changing the repetition rate from 29.83 MHz to 1.104 GHz while maintaining the central wavelength as 1060 nm, the SC pump power can be varied from 4.45 W to 69.8 W with a same peak power about 8 kW. By launching the ultra-short pulses into a 5 m long photonic crystal fiber (PCF), we obtain tunable SC with similar spectra flatness with average power from 2.54 W to 35.56 W, and the wavelength range of the spectra extends from 540 nm to 1700 nm.