Background: Studies of functional modules in a Protein-Protein Interaction (PPI) network contribute greatly to the understanding of biological mechanisms. With the development of computing science, computational approaches have played an important role in detecting functional modules. Results: We present a new approach using multi-agent evolution for detection of functional modules in PPI networks. The proposed approach consists of two stages: the solution construction for agents in a population and the evolutionary process of computational agents in a lattice environment, where each agent corresponds to a candidate solution to the detection problem of functional modules in a PPI network. First, the approach utilizes a connection-based encoding scheme to model an agent, and employs a random-walk behavior merged topological characteristics with functional information to construct a solution. Next, it applies several evolutionary operators, i.e., competition, crossover, and mutation, to realize information exchange among agents as well as solution evolution. Systematic experiments have been conducted on three benchmark testing sets of yeast networks. Experimental results show that the approach is more effective compared to several other existing algorithms. Conclusions: The algorithm has the characteristics of outstanding recall, F-measure, sensitivity and accuracy while keeping other competitive performances, so it can be applied to the biological study which requires high accuracy.