针对具有有机物含量高、成分复杂、碱度大、可生化性差以及色度高等特点的印染废水,本文采用混凝沉淀–水解酸化–好氧工艺进行了中试规模的处理。运行结果表明,中试系统稳定运行120 d,在进水CODcr 1365 mg/L的情况下,厌氧水解池出水CODcr平均值为600 mg/L,平均去除率24%,B/C由0.2提升至0.33~0.63,厌氧水解池提高了废水的可生化性。好氧池出水CODcr平均值为192 mg/L,系统CODcr总去除率平均值为84%,效果显著。TN、TP的出水均值为31.95 mg/L、1.1 mg/L,平均去除率分别为76%、81%。该工艺具有耐冲击负荷,易操作,简单成熟等优点。Based on high organic content, complex composition, high alkalinity, poor biodegradability, higher chromi-nance of printing and dyeing wastewater, this paper adopted coagulation precipitation-hydrolysis acidification-aerobic process for pilot scale processing. The result of the experiment, which was operated stably for 120 days, showed that the final effluent concentration of anaerobic tank was 600 mg/L with removal efficiency 24% in the flooding water of CODcr 1365 mg/L.B/C was promoted from 0.2 to 0.33 - 0.63, which meant higher biodegradability. The final CODcr effluent concentration of aerobic pond was 192 mg/L. The total CODcr removal efficiency was 84% that had a signifi-cant effect. The final effluent concentration of TN, TP was 31.95 mg/L, 1.1 mg/L, the average removal rate was 76% and 81% respectively. This technology has advantages of impact resistance, easy operation, simple mature etc.