The microstructures of ultrafine WC-Co cemented carbides were characterized and analyzed by stereological methods. The quantitative relationships between the mechanical properties and microstructure parameters, such as the mean grain size d(WC), mean free path L-Co and contiguity CWC-WC, were obtained. The calculated results of mechanical properties agree well with the experimental measurements. With the equivalent contiguity, the Vickers hardness of ultrafine cemented carbides has linear relationships with d(WC)(-1/2) and L-Co(-1/2) and the fracture toughness K-IC has deterministic relationships with d(WC)(-1/2) and L-Co(-1/2), respectively. With certain Co content and mean grain size, the transverse rupture strength decreases with the increase of contiguity. Especially when the contiguity is above 0.5, the strength decreases obviously. The present results may be used as criteria to optimize the microstructure and to improve mechanical properties of ultrafine cemented carbides.