In this study, an innovative dynamics model of LFS (longitudinal vehicle full-speed cruise system) is developed by lumping the dynamics of a controlled vehicle and an inter-vehicles together. On account of the external disturbance, parameters uncertainty and the nonlinearity within LFS, a DDRC (disturbance decoupling robust control) method is proposed. For this method, the theory of NDD (nonlinear disturbance decoupling) is utilized firstly to separate the external disturbance from certain part of the proposed dynamics model. Then, the invariance over the sliding mode of VSC (variable structure control) is used to eliminate the influence of remaining uncertain part. Finally, the DDRC method is adopted to design an LFS ACC (adaptive cruise control) system, and some numerical simulations are carried out to validate its performance. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed control system not only exhibits an expected dynamic response, high tracking accuracy and a strong robustness, but also achieves a global optimization by means of a simplified control structure.