The well-known density theorem for one-dimensional Gabor systems of the form {e(2 pi imbx) g(x - na)}(m,n is an element of Z), where g is an element of L-2(R), states that a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of such a system whose linear span is dense in L-2(R), or which forms a frame for L-2(R), is that the density condition a b <= 1 is satisfied. The main goal of this paper is to study the analogous problem for Gabor systems for which the window function g vanishes outside a periodic set S subset of R which is a Z-shift invariant. We obtain measure-theoretic conditions that are necessary and sufficient, for the existence of a window g Such that the linear span of the corresponding Gabor system is dense in L-2(S). Moreover, we show that if this density condition holds, there exists, in fact, a measurable set E subset of R with the property that the Gabor system associated with the same parameters a, b and the window g = chi E, forms a tight frame for L-2(S). (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.