This paper reports the use of LIDAR technique, vertical wind profiler (VWP) and the coupled MM5-CMAQ air quality modeling system to investigate a high PM10 concentration episode occurred in Beijing, China during January 8-9, 2004. Through the regression analysis between the observed PM10 concentrations and the observed extinction coefficients, the converting formulas from the LIDAR records to the PM10 mass concentrations in Beijing have been found. Further, a 2-level-nested grid domain with spatial resolutions of 36 and 12 km have been designed and employed for this study, and the coupled MM5-CMAQ modeling system has then been evaluated using both the ground-level PM10 observations and the vertical profiles of PM10 deduced from the measured LIDAR extinction coefficients. Based on the verified modeling system, two emission scenarios were designed to quantitatively assess the trans-boundary PM10 contributions from the surrounding provinces of Beijing. The results illustrated that the particulate matter buildup over the Beijing region was due to a number of factors, including pollutants brought in from its surrounding provinces by the southwest winds and the emission from local sources within Beijing. It indicates that while Beijing needs to take positive steps to reduce its own pollution emissions, much effort should also be placed on demanding more pollution reduction and better environmental performance from its surrounding provinces.