This paper investigates the performance of advanced super-resolution restoration algorithms on sonar images. Because of the ability of being able to shoot images in relatively dim light underwater, sonar has been more and more widely used during recent years. However, images taken by sonar usually have low resolution due to the positive correlation between sonar image resolution and frequency of sonar sensors, as well as the negative relationship between working range and frequency of sonar sensors. For more accurate observation, resolution of sonar image should be increased. Since few super-resolution restoration algorithm has been designed for sonar images, we selected eight existing state-of-the-art or classical super-resolution restoration algorithms designed for optical images. Then we tested their performances on sonar images using classical and state-of-the-art image quality assessment (IQA) methods. Finally we analyze the relationship between their performances and the content of sonar images by comparing the visual qualities of reconstructed magnified super-resolution sonar images.