Detection of image forgery is an important part of digital forensics and has attracted a lot of attention in the past few years. Previous research has examined residual pattern noise, wavelet transform and statistics, image pixel value histogram and other features of images to authenticate the primordial nature. With the development of neural network technologies, some effort has recently applied convolutional neural networks to detecting image forgery to achieve high-level image representation. This paper proposes to build a convolutional neural network different from the related work in which we try to understand extracted features from each convolutional layer and detect different types of image tampering through automatic feature learning. The proposed network involves five convolutional layers, two full-connected layers and a Softmax classifier. Our experiment has utilized CASIA v1.0, a public image set that contains authentic images and splicing images, and its further reformed versions containing retouching images and re-compressing images as the training data. Experimental results can clearly demonstrate the effectiveness and adaptability of the proposed network.