Additional scattering of electrons in the complex MOSFET channel caused by off-cut angle of (0001) 4H-SiC wafer, makes accurate crystal face acquisition much desired. Molten KOH was used to etch the circular grooves on the SiC wafer surface in muffle furnace, and hexagonal grooves with SiC crystal symmetry were obtained. Average etching rates at 500. along < 11-20 > and < 1-100 > direction were about 4.826 um/min and 4.112 um/min, respectively, with a etching anisotropy ratio of 1.18. The m face was obtained by controlling the etching time and Si face was obtained by self-stopping effect. The method we developed in this paper has potential applications in the accurate crystal face acquisition of (0001) 4H-SiC epi-wafer, and the preparation of structures based on 4H-SiC.