In China, there are 1.848 million postgraduate students at school by 2014. They spend more than half of the time doing scientific research in research student offices. In order to understand indoor air quality (IAQ) in these offices, indoor climate and carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration were investigated in a typical naturally ventilated postgraduate student study room in a university of China during heating season. Results demonstrated that, due to high occupancy rates, indoor CO2 level often exceeded 1000 ppm, even reaching a peak value of 3000 ppm. During occupied time, average of 77.6% of measured CO2 data each day exceeded the threshold. The longest duration of exposure to CO2 concentration more than 1000 ppm had an average of 3.68 h per person per day. These results implied that the research student office required attention in meeting acceptable IAQ. (c) 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.