Studies have shown that laminated rubber bearing bridges of small and medium span, have poor anti-seismic performance. In order to study the seismic response characteristics of laminated rubber bearing simply supported girder pedestrian bridge, taking a typical concrete pedestrian bridge as the research object, finite element dynamic analysis model was established by SAP2000, with nonlinear time history analysis method, effects of vertical seismic and other factors on the seismic responses of the pedestrian bridge were researched and seismic potential harm of the same bridges were revealed. Results show that laminated rubber bearing simply supported girder pedestrian bridge have poor seismic performance and it is easy leading to beam falling caused by large relative displacement during an severe earthquake. The response of piers is small and their lateral resist ability was not full played. Vertical earthquake exert an adverse effect on the seismic performance of pedestrian bridge, which analysis must be conducted to accurately reflect its seismic response.