In recent years, Sparse Representation based classification (SRC) has made great progress in Face Recognition. However, SRC is only efficient and effective when the noise is sparse. The recognition rate of SRC decreases when the noise is non-Gaussian, for example, the light on the face is quite various or the face is covered in part by a mask. In this paper, we propose a robust l(2,1)-norm Sparse Representation frameworkthat constrains the noise penalty by the l(2,1)-norm. Thisframework takes both advantages of the discriminative nature of the l(*)-norm and the systemic representation of the l(2,1) -norm. Inaddition, we also use the l(2,1) -norm to constrain the coefficientmatrix. As the l(*)-norm concerns the global structure, our methodis robust to the noise, especially for the case when the contiguousocclusion exists in the real world. The extensive experiments demonstrate that when dealing with large region contiguous occlusion, the proposed method achieves significantly better results than SRC and some other sparse representation based face recognition methods.