To protect movable cultural relics,by shaking table tests oscillation responses of museum free-standing cultural relics under earthquakes were studied.Based on actual sizes of a museum showcase,a 1:1 scale model was built whose bottom was fixed on the shaking table.A bronze cultural relic was put in the showcase by free-standing mode.By white noise excitation frequency distributions of the showcase were obtained;By inputting 3 different types of earthquake waves (El-centro wave,Taft wave and Artificial wave of 11 site classification) with different intensities (0.1g,0.2g and 0.4g of peak ground accelerations),seismic responses of both showcase and relic were studied, their damage types were discussed, displacement as well as acceleration response curves of typical positions were analysed as well.Results show that prominent frequency ingredients of the showcase are between 30-40Hz,which are far from those of input earthquake waves,thus the showcase is not damaged seriously;while for the relic when input earthquake intensity is low,its main damage symptom is oscillation;when earthquake intensity increases,the oscillation response becomes very serious and the relic is prone to overturn and get destroyed.