As a new type of structural system, the cast-in-situ reinforced concrete grillage shear wall system has functions of formwork, strength and heat preservation at the same time. It is suitable for residential buildings in seismic and non-seismic areas. The results of quasi-static tests on 20 specimens of small and large grid size grillage shear walls with different shear span ratios show that: both of small and large grid size grillage shear walls have excellent seismic performance; shear or bending deformation of horizontal and vertical limbs dissipate seismic energy so the elastic-plastic deformability of grillage shear walls meet the requirements of shear wall structure under strong earthquakes; the bearing capacity of grillage shear wall was calculated with formulas used for solid RC shear walls. The equivalent thickness of grillage shear wall equalized as solid shear wall is determined by elastic finite element analysis.