To find an effective strengthening method for free-standing museum cultural relics, seismic performances of a cultural relic strengthened by nylon lines were studied by shaking table tests. Based on actual sizes of a museum showcase, a 1 : 1 scale model was built. A ceramic cultural relic was put in the showcase by free-standing mode. Nylon lines were considered to strengthen the relic and shaking table tests were carried out. By white noise excitation frequency distributions of the showcase were obtained; by inputting 3 different types of earthquake waves (El-centro wave, Taft wave and Artificial wave of II type site classification) with different intensities (0.1 g, 0.2 g, 0.3 g and 0.7 g of peak ground acceleration values), seismic responses of both showcase and relic were studied, aseismic results of nylon lines were discussed. Results show that prominent frequency ingredients of the showcase are far greater than those of the input earthquake waves, thus the showcase is not damaged seriously; for the relic after it is strengthened by nylon lines,its peak displacement and acceleration response values decrease, which are still obvious under strong earthquakes. Thus by nylon lines the relic can be effectively strengthened.