Large scale optoelectronic monolithic integration for optical fiber communication makes more and more optoelectronic active devices and passive components integrate into a single chip. It is necessary to provide enough wide gain spectrum to satisfy the requirement from each device. In this paper, based the analysis on the gain spectrum of InGaAsP/InP quantum well, the dependence of its gain spectrum bandwidth on the well width and doping concentration was derived. An asymmetric quantum well with the same doping concentration and different well width was design to realize the destination. The simulation results prove that the asymmetric quantum well indeed make the gain spectrum wider. Then the asymmetric quantum wells were grown successfully by low pressure MOCVD at 665 degrees C. The full width at half maximum (FWHM) of 115nm was observed in its amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) spectrum, which was flatter and wider than that of the symmetric quantum wells.