Mobile robot navigation is one of the important domains in mobile robot technologies' research. This problem is divided into two categories of basic sub-problems: path planning and motion planning. In this paper we integrate the path planning and motion planning of a robot into a uniform framework, which is described by a hybrid system. Hybrid systems combine discrete and continuous behavior so that we can deal with the complexity of the environment at the discrete level and dynamics of a robot at the continuous level. At the discrete level, on the triangulation of the state space of a robot, a dual graph is constructed following a proposed target attractive principle. Then based on this dual graph, we design an incremental heuristic search algorithm to deal with dynamic environment and find an optimal sequence of adjacent triangles. At the continuous level, a motion planning algorithms that can autonomously generate the translational and rotational velocities for the robot to travel along the given sequence of triangles. Simulation results demonstrate the correctness and effectiveness of the approach.