Dynamic tracing and trace replay are two main functions in vehicle monitoring system of GIS. Based on the idea of line-to-point set, "point-to-point" road matching algorithm and "Trace interpolation" trace replay algorithm are designed and implemented. The main idea of "Point-to-point" is that the road will be separated into a series of discrete set points, and then got path matched accordingly. At the same time, prediction principle is used to solve problems such as miscarriage of justice at the crossroads; First of all, the premise of applying "Trace interpolation" is studied, and then the process of algorithm will be introduced. It reduces the cost of the positioning through reducing the number of positioning points; Applied to actual projects, "Point-to-point" achieves a high accuracy measures, particularly at road intersections. It improves the accuracy of cellular positioning greatly. Similarly, the "trace interpolation" has greatly reduced the cost of positioning and is proved to be practical.