Bio-trickling filters (BTFs) can be used to remediate pollution by volatile organic compounds such as toluene. To investigate the effect of filler voidage on pressure drop (Delta P), two parallel BTFs were constructed using ceramsite with different voidages (47.5% for BTF1 and 55% for BTF2) and inoculated with Fusarium fungus to purify toluene. Commutation and stagnation operations were explored as ways to relieve Delta P. In BTF1, commutation temporarily relieved Delta P and maintained it for 7 days. Implementing stagnation on the 178th day for 69 days effectively reduced the Delta P from 720 Pa/m to below 20 Pa/m, which was maintained for 36 days. Compared with BTF1, the filler in BTF2 effectively delayed the increase in Delta P for 70 days or more and ensured stable operation for as long as 174 days. High-throughput sequencing revealed that Fusarium was mainly replaced by Protoctista, Fronsecaea and other fungi in both BTFs, although there were significant differences in their microbial communities. The influences of commutation and stagnation operations on fungal evolution were more obvious in BTF2, in relation to both time and space. The results provide guidance for designing better BTFs to treat hazardous pollutants. (C) 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.