The air quality of Handan, a typical industrial city in China, has been significantly improved through atmospheric pollution control, except for ozone (O-3) pollution. We found that, in summer, emissions of anthropogenic volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and NOx decreased yearly in Handan, but the O-3 concentration significantly declined yearly during 2013-2015, whereas it experienced worsening O-3 pollution after 2015. Therefore, we used the Weather Research and Forecasting Community Multiscale Air Quality (WRF-CMAQ) modeling system to simulate the influence of the meteorological conditions and emission changes in Handan during the typical period (June) of O-3 pollution in 2013-2018. For benchmarked June 2013, the results showed that the reduction of the O-3 concentration in June of 2014-2016 was mainly caused by emission reduction, while in June of 2017-2018, the combined effect of changes in emissions and meteorological conditions led to aggravated O-3 pollution. Sensitivity analysis indicated that combined VOCs and NOx emission controls would effectively reduce incremental O-3 formation when the abatement ratio of VOCs/NOx should be no less than 0.84, and we found that VOCs reduction would continusouly bring about O-3 decreases under various NOx reductions, but its positive sensitivity to O-3 would become smaller with NOx reduction. However, the positive influence of NOx reduction on O-3 would happen until NOx reduction exceeding 45-60%. The findings will be helpful in formulating emission control strategies for coping with O-3 pollution in an industrial city.