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Niu, Jiangang (Niu, Jiangang.) | Wang, Mengyu (Wang, Mengyu.) | Li, Jingjun (Li, Jingjun.) | Hao, Ji (Hao, Ji.)


EI Scopus CSCD


The influence of the plastic-steel fiber content and freezing-thawing cycles on the bond behavior between rebars and concrete was studied by performing center pull-out test with two group(twenty four specimens).The bond stiffness and bond toughness were defined based on the bond stress-slip curve.The uneven distribution coefficient of bond stress was defined by the positional relationship between the bond stress and anchorage.The above indictors were used to quantitatively determine the variation trend of concrete bond behavior under freezing and thawing environment.The results showed that plastic-steel fiber reinforced lightweight aggregate concrete exhibited a patter of pull-out failure, while plain lightweight aggregate concrete(without fiber) exhibited a patter of splitting failure.The bond stiffness and bond toughness of plastic-steel fiber reinforced lightweight aggregate concrete were higher than those of plain lightweight aggregate concrete.With the increase of freezing-thawing cycle, both bond stiffness and bond toughness showed a decreasing trend.The bond stiffness of plastic-steel fiber reinforced lightweight aggregate concrete in the early freezing-thawing period was higher than that of plain lightweight aggregate concrete.However, the bond stiffness of plastic-steel fiber reinforced and plain lightweight aggregate concrete were almost similar in the late freezing-thawing period.The relationship between bond toughness(Au, A80) and ultimate bond strength of plastic-steel fiber reinforced lightweight aggregate concrete was basically linear.The bond stress-anchorage position relationship of the two groups showed a trend of first increasing and then decreasing.According to the change rule of coefficient ζ, the load-end was the main force extents at the early stage of freezing and thawing, while the force extents migrated to the free end at the late stage. © 2021, The Editorial Board of Journal of Basic Science and Engineering. All right reserved.


Concrete aggregates Thawing Fiber reinforced concrete Stiffness Freezing Light weight concrete Aggregates Steel fibers Rebar


  • [ 1 ] [Niu, Jiangang]College of Civil Engineering, Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology, Baotou; 014000, China
  • [ 2 ] [Wang, Mengyu]College of Civil Engineering, Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology, Baotou; 014000, China
  • [ 3 ] [Li, Jingjun]College of Civil Engineering, Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology, Baotou; 014000, China
  • [ 4 ] [Hao, Ji]School of Civil Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing; 100124, China





来源 :

Journal of Basic Science and Engineering

ISSN: 1005-0930

年份: 2021

期: 2

卷: 29

页码: 459-470


WoS核心集被引频次: 0

SCOPUS被引频次: 1

ESI高被引论文在榜: 0 展开所有



近30日浏览量: 1

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