In practical engineering, the pile foundation is often subjected to lateral load while bearing vertical load. And the lateral and vertical bearing capacity of pile generally are calculated separately during the design of pile, without considering the effect of existing vertical load on the lateral capacity of pile. Based on the theory of elastic foundation beam, the stress in the pile units of laterally loaded pile under existing vertical load are analyzed, the pile-soil friction effect, p-Δ effect and the effect of existing vertical load on soil resistance are considered comprehensively. The p-y curve formula of sand considering the effect of existing vertical load is introduced, and the theoretical calculation model of lateral capacity of pile under existing vertical load is established. The corresponding program is compiled through MATLAB software. The mechanical response of pile is obtained, and the effects of different existing vertical loads on the lateral capacity of pile are compared. By comparing the theoretical calculation result with the experimental result, the applicability of the proposed method is verified. © 2020 Elsevier Ltd