Considering the characteristics of concrete mesocomponents, a mesoscale finite element analysis method is proposed in this paper. The static uniaxial compressive response of geometrically similar concrete cubes with different structural sizes at room and cryogenic temperatures is simulated. The degradation behavior of nominal strength of concrete under uniaxial compression at cryogenic temperature and the corresponding size effect are discussed.The results showed that as temperature decreases, the uniaxial nominal compressive strength significantly increases, the brittleness of concrete increases, and the size effect becomes more obvious. When the temperature reaches -120, the compressive strength and brittleness of concrete are the highest, exhibiting the strongest size effect. As the temperature is decreased further, the compressive strength decreases slightly within a narrow range. The classical Type- 2 size effect law can describe the size effect results obtained using the finite element analysis at different temperatures. © 2021, Science Press. All right reserved.