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Chen, Ying (Chen, Ying.) | Wang, Jingfu (Wang, Jingfu.) (学者:王景甫) | Zhang, Xiaolei (Zhang, Xiaolei.) | Li, Conghao (Li, Conghao.)


Scopus SCIE


A comprehensive numerical investigation of the uncoupled chemical, thermal, and transport effects of CO2 on the temperature of CH4/O-2 counterflow diffusion flame under high pressure up to 5 atm was conducted. Three pairs of artificial species were introduced to distinguish the chemical effect, thermal effect, and the transport effect of CO2 on the flame temperature. The numerical results showed that both the chemical effect and the thermal effect of the CO2 dilution in the oxidizer side can decrease the flame temperature significantly, while the transport effect of CO2 can only slightly increase the flame temperature and can even be ignored. The reduction value of the temperature caused by the chemical effect of CO2 grows linearly, while that caused by the thermal effect increases exponentially. The RPchem and RPthermal are defined to explain the temperature reduction percentage due to the chemical effect and the thermal effect of CO2 in the total temperature reduction caused by CO2 dilution, respectively. The RPchem decreases with the increase of the pressure, the strain rate, and the CO2 dilution ratio, while the RPthermal thermal behaves in the opposite manner. In the above conditions, the chemical effect plays a dominant role on the flame temperature reduction.


thermal effect counterflow flame methane chemical effect CO2 dilution


  • [ 1 ] [Chen, Ying]Beijing Univ Technol, Fac Environm & Life, MOE Key Lab Enhanced Heat Transfer & Energy Conse, Beijing 100124, Peoples R China
  • [ 2 ] [Wang, Jingfu]Beijing Univ Technol, Fac Environm & Life, MOE Key Lab Enhanced Heat Transfer & Energy Conse, Beijing 100124, Peoples R China
  • [ 3 ] [Zhang, Xiaolei]Beijing Univ Technol, Fac Environm & Life, MOE Key Lab Enhanced Heat Transfer & Energy Conse, Beijing 100124, Peoples R China
  • [ 4 ] [Li, Conghao]Beijing Univ Technol, Fac Environm & Life, MOE Key Lab Enhanced Heat Transfer & Energy Conse, Beijing 100124, Peoples R China
  • [ 5 ] [Chen, Ying]Beijing Univ Technol, Fac Environm & Life, Beijing Key Lab Heat Transfer & Energy Convers, Beijing 100124, Peoples R China
  • [ 6 ] [Wang, Jingfu]Beijing Univ Technol, Fac Environm & Life, Beijing Key Lab Heat Transfer & Energy Convers, Beijing 100124, Peoples R China
  • [ 7 ] [Zhang, Xiaolei]Beijing Univ Technol, Fac Environm & Life, Beijing Key Lab Heat Transfer & Energy Convers, Beijing 100124, Peoples R China
  • [ 8 ] [Li, Conghao]Beijing Univ Technol, Fac Environm & Life, Beijing Key Lab Heat Transfer & Energy Convers, Beijing 100124, Peoples R China


  • 王景甫

    [Wang, Jingfu]Beijing Univ Technol, Fac Environm & Life, MOE Key Lab Enhanced Heat Transfer & Energy Conse, Beijing 100124, Peoples R China;;[Wang, Jingfu]Beijing Univ Technol, Fac Environm & Life, Beijing Key Lab Heat Transfer & Energy Convers, Beijing 100124, Peoples R China



来源 :


年份: 2021

期: 4

卷: 11

2 . 7 0 0






WoS核心集被引频次: 1

SCOPUS被引频次: 2

ESI高被引论文在榜: 0 展开所有



近30日浏览量: 2

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