Texture transfer has been successfully applied in computer vision and computer graphics. Since non-stationary textures are usually complex and anisotropic, it is challenging to transfer these textures by simple supervised method. In this paper, we propose a general solution for non-stationary texture transfer, which can preserve the local structure and visual richness of textures. The inputs of our framework are source texture and semantic annotation pair. We record different semantics as different regions and obtain the color and distribution information from different regions, which is used to guide the the low-level texture transfer algorithm. Specifically, we exploit these local distributions to regularize the texture transfer objective function, which is minimized by iterative search and voting steps. In the search step, we search the nearest neighbor fields of source image to target image through Generalized PatchMatch (GPM) algorithm. In the voting step, we calculate histogram weights and coherence weights for different semantic regions to ensure color accuracy and texture continuity, and to further transfer the textures from the source to the target. By comparing with state-of-the-art algorithms, we demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of our technique in various non-stationary textures. © 2021 ACM.