Among practical active/semiactve structural control systems, Lots of control methods have often been used. However, they must engage a long process of theoretical analysis or sophisticated calculation to achieve a suitable control force for the structure to suppress vibration. Therefore, many researches on structural control have adopted fuzzy logic feedback control systems due to their ability to deal efficiently with imprecise and uncertain data, and require no mathematical models. This is very useful for structural vibration control. However, fuzzy control theory still lacks a systemic design guidance to set up the corresponding rule-bases at present. In order to solve this problem, recently a new idea for structural control, i.e. the off-and-towards-equilibrium (OTE) control strategy has been presented. For a fuzzy control system, a set of rules can be extracted easily on the basis of the idea. In this paper, the seismic response control of a multi-storey structure with an active mass driver (AMD) is analyzed. In the example system, according to the OTE strategy the rule-bases of the corresponding fuzzy control system are established and simulating results verify its rationality and validity.