The static performance of a slidable bolt-assembly connection between a double-angle truss and square hollow structural section (SHSS) column was studied using experiments and finite-element simulations. Four specimens with different sizes or types of bolt holes on the gusset plate were tested and analyzed. The slip resistance, yield strength, ultimate strength, and failure mechanism of each connection were obtained. The static and seismic performances of the connections were compared with those of a welded connection, bolted-welded connection, and all-bolted fixed connection. The results showed that the ductility of the slidable bolt-assembly connection exceeded a value of 10, which was higher than the values for the other connections, but the slip resistance was the lowest. The slip resistance of the bolt-assembly connection under a static load was larger than that under a seismic load. The ultimate strength of the bolt-assembly connection was equal to that of the welded connection, and the stiffness was almost the same as that of the welded connection before the slip. The ultimate strengths of the slidable bolt-assembly connections were almost the same under static and cyclic loads. The slip distance increased by 23 mm when the bolt hole diameter was increased by 2 mm. However, the dimensions and shapes of the bolt holes on the gusset plate only had slight effects on the slip resistance, yield strength, and ultimate strength of the joint. A load-bearing model and formulas for calculating the various strengths of the slidable bolt-assembly connection were proposed. © 2020 Elsevier Ltd