This study aimed to investigate the short-term response of abundant-rare genera and antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) to azithromycin (AZM, 0.05-40 mg/L) and copper (1 mg/L) combined pollution in activated sludge nitrification system at low temperature. Nitrification was as expected inhibited in stress-and post-effects periods under AZM concentration higher than 5 mg/L. Abundant and rare taxa presented dissimilar responses based on full-scale classification. Conditionally rare or abundant taxa (CRAT) were keystone taxa. Relative abundance of ammonia-oxidizing archaea increased, and three aerobic denitrifying bacteria (Brevundimonas, Comamonas and Trichococcus) were enriched (from 9.83% to 68.91% in total). Ammonia nitrogen assimilating into Org-N and denitrification may be nitrogen pathways based on predict analysis. 29 ARGs were found with more co-occurrence patterns and high concentration of AZM (greater than 5 mg/L) caused their proliferation. Impor-tantly, expect for some abundant taxa, rare taxa, potential pathogens and nitrogen-removal functional genera were the main potential hosts of ARGs.