The dynamical behaviors of a Leslie type predator-prey system are explored when the functional response is increasing for both predator and prey. Qualitative and quantitative analysis methods based on stability theory, bifurcation theory and numerical simulation are adopted. It is showed that the system is dissipative and permanent, and its solutions are bounded. Global stability of the unique positive equilibrium is investigated by constructing Dulac function and applying Poincare-Bendixson theorem. The bifurcation behaviors are further explored and the number of limit cycles is determined. By calculating the first Lyapunov number and the first two focus values, it is proved that the positive equilibrium is not a center but a weak focus of multiplicity at most two, so the system undergoes Hopf bifurcation and Bautin bifurcation. The normal form of Bautin bifurcation is also obtained by introducing the complex system. Moreover, numerical simulations are run to demonstrate the validity of theoretical results.