In previous major earthquakes, the damage and collapse of structures located in liquefied field which caused by site failure a common occurrence, and the problem of assessment of liquefaction possibility and discussion on the seismic response and stability of liquefied site is still issue of common concern in geotechnical earthquake engineering. To study the influence of the existence of structure on the seismic responses and stability of liquefiable sites, two groups of shaking table tests on liquefiable non-free field (with structure) and a free field (without structure) are performed. It can be summarized from the experimental results as following. The natural frequency of non-free field is larger and the damping ratio is smaller than that of a free field. For the weak seismic loading condition, the dynamic response of sites shows similar rules and trend. For the strong ground motion condition, soils in both experiments all liquefied obviously and the depth of liquefaction soil in the free field is significantly greater than that in the non-free field, besides, porewater pressure in the non-free field accumulated relately slow and the dissipated quickly from analysis of porewater pressure ratios in both experiments. The amplitudes of lateral displacements and acceleration of soil in the non-free field are obviously smaller than that in the free field caused by the effect of presence of the structure. In a word, the presence of structures will lead to the increase of site stiffness, site more difficult to liquefy, and the seismic stability of the non-free site is higher than that of the free site due to soil-structure interaction.