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Sun, Zhi-Guo (Sun, Zhi-Guo.) | Zhao, Tai-Yi (Zhao, Tai-Yi.) | Wang, Dong-Sheng (Wang, Dong-Sheng.) | Han, Qiang (Han, Qiang.) (学者:韩强) | Guan, Lu (Guan, Lu.)


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To achieve seismic damage control design, a new reinforced concrete (RC)double deck bridge bent was proposed. In this bent,the upper precast piers were designed as rocking self-centering (RSC) structures. The lower precast piers were designed with a socket connection but without rocking behavior. A design method was proposed for the unbonded prestressing tendon and energy dissipation steel angle used in this new double-deck bridge bent. Seismic analysis models for normal RC and new RSC bridge bents were developed based on design details of the irregular double-deck bridge bent of the Luotanghe Bridge in Gansu Province. The accuracy of the modeling technique was verified against shake table test results for a RSC bridge bent conducted by the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center. Then,dynamic time history analysis was conducted for both the RC and RSC bridge bent models under a series of 40 near-fault ground motions. The seismic behaviors of the normal RC and new RSC double-deck bridge bents were obtained and compared.The results show that the maximum story drift ratio of the upper piers in the RSC bent is slightly larger than that in the upper piers of the normal RC bent, whereas the maximum story drift ratio of the lower piers in the RSC bent is only 47% of that in the lower piers of the normal RC bent. The residual story drift ratios of the upper and lower piers in the RSC bent are only 2% of those in the upper and lower piers of the normal RC bent. The seismic shear force demand of the lower pier in the RSC bent is evidently reduced as compared with that in the lower pier of the normal RC bent. The stress of the unbonded prestressing tendon in the RSC bent remains in the elastic region. The steel angles will yield and dissipate seismic energy while no rupture damage is observed. Therefore, the proposed design method can effectively avoid seismic damage to double-deck bridge bents. © 2020, Editorial Department of China Journal of Highway and Transport. All right reserved.


Piers Time series analysis Bridges Tendons Seismology Reinforced concrete Prestressing Energy dissipation Seismic design


  • [ 1 ] [Sun, Zhi-Guo]School of Civil Engineering, Institute of Disaster Prevention, Beijing; 101601, China
  • [ 2 ] [Zhao, Tai-Yi]School of Civil Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing; Jiangsu; 211189, China
  • [ 3 ] [Wang, Dong-Sheng]School of Civil and Transporting Engineering, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin; 300401, China
  • [ 4 ] [Han, Qiang]Key Laboratory of Urban Security and Disaster Engineering of Ministry of Education, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing; 100124, China
  • [ 5 ] [Guan, Lu]School of Civil Engineering, Institute of Disaster Prevention, Beijing; 101601, China


  • [sun, zhi-guo]school of civil engineering, institute of disaster prevention, beijing; 101601, china





来源 :

China Journal of Highway and Transport

ISSN: 1001-7372

年份: 2020

期: 3

卷: 33

页码: 97-106


WoS核心集被引频次: 0

SCOPUS被引频次: 13

ESI高被引论文在榜: 0 展开所有



近30日浏览量: 3

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