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Shi, Zhiwei (Shi, Zhiwei.) | Dong, Guochen (Dong, Guochen.) | Gao, Ting (Gao, Ting.) | Liu, Yanchang (Liu, Yanchang.) | Song, Kadi (Song, Kadi.)


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The petrogenesis and evolution of Mesozoic complex in the southern Taihang Mountains have been one of hot topics explored since last several decades. Based on field investigation and Electron Probe Microanalysis (EPMA), in the paper, it studies the mineralogy and its significance of Jiaochang diorite. The Jiaochang diorite is mainly composed of plagioclase, amphibole, biotite, and few clinopyroxene and olivine. The SiO2 contents of the rocks range from 52.91% to 53.39% with high Mg# [100×Mg/(Mg+Fe2+)] (60.28-62.39) and Na (Na2O/K2O=1.18-1.40). The plagioclases (about 50%) present An number of 36 to 60 with normal zoning, and belong to andesine and labradorite. The amphiboles (about 30%) has high CaO (>10%) and MgO (>18%), belonging to magnesial amphibole. With [Mg/(Mg+Fe2++Fe3++Mn)] of 0.564-0.582, the biotite (about 12%) is magnesial. The clinopyroxenes (about 5%) belong to Ca-Mg-Fe pyroxene series, which were produced by gradual crystallization of mantle-derived magma during its upwelling from deep to shallow. The olivines (about 2%) as xenocrysts are composed of chrysolite and forsterite with Fo from 76 to 91. The crystallized temperature and pressure of the diorite by clinopyroxene geothermobarometry range from 1 060 to 1 094 and from 0.24 GPa to 0.55 GPa respectively. These characteristics suggest that the diorite formed by mantle derived materials from the magma sources. The magma had almost no differentiation during the upward process and the diorite reflects the dual tectonic background of the subduction of the ancient Pacific plate and the extension of North China craton. © 2020, Editorial Department of Earth Science. All right reserved.


Iron alloys Calcium oxide Sodium compounds Oxide minerals Magnesia Igneous rocks Electron probe microanalysis Olivine Feldspar Silica Mica Ternary alloys Biotite


  • [ 1 ] [Shi, Zhiwei]School of Earth Sciences and Resources, China University of Geosciences, Beijing; 100083, China
  • [ 2 ] [Dong, Guochen]School of Earth Sciences and Resources, China University of Geosciences, Beijing; 100083, China
  • [ 3 ] [Gao, Ting]Guangdong Institute of Eco-Environmental Science & Technology, Guangzhou; 510650, China
  • [ 4 ] [Liu, Yanchang]Office of the CPC Committee, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing; 100124, China
  • [ 5 ] [Song, Kadi]School of Information Science and Technology, Northwest University, Xi'an; 710127, China


  • [dong, guochen]school of earth sciences and resources, china university of geosciences, beijing; 100083, china




来源 :

Earth Science - Journal of China University of Geosciences

ISSN: 1000-2383

年份: 2020

期: 6

卷: 45

页码: 2103-2116


WoS核心集被引频次: 0

SCOPUS被引频次: 1

ESI高被引论文在榜: 0 展开所有



近30日浏览量: 1


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