To improve the driving safety of a semitrailer truck on curved downhill sections of a freeway, a dynamics model integrated with vehicle, road, and driver models was established using TruckSim software. Based on the Monte Carlo reliability analysis method, the performance functions of skidding, rollover, jackknifing, and system failures were developed. A freeway with a design speed of 80 km•h-1 was selected as the research section. Through extensive vehicle dynamics simulation tests, a numerical analysis that assessed the effects of different horizontal curve radii, longitudinal grades, pavement friction coefficients, speeds, and gross vehicle weights on the lateral stability of a six-axle semitrailer truck was presented. The results demonstrate that the failure probabilities of skidding and rollover decrease considerably with increasing horizontal curve radii. Under the condition of a general minimum horizontal curve radius of 400 m, the failure probabilities of skidding and rollover are approximately 0, and the probabilities of skidding and rollover increase linearly with an increase in the longitudinal grade. Moreover, the effect of speed is particularly marked on the running security system of a semitrailer truck. When the mean speed increases from 60 km•h-1 to 90 km•h-1, the probabilities of skidding and rollover increase by 634 and 336 times, respectively. The gross vehicle weight also has a considerable effect on the rollover of a semitrailer truck. On low-adhesion roads, the main types of accidents that the semitrailer truck experiences are skidding and jackknifing, whereas on high-adhesion roads, the main accident type is rollover. This indicates that the combined alignments of a limited minimum radius and steep downgrade should be avoided in road design. Finally, strict limits on speed and gross vehicle weight should be adopted to guarantee the safe performance of vehicles. © 2019, Editorial Department of China Journal of Highway and Transport. All right reserved.