Dioxin (DXN) emitted from the municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) process is a persistent pollutant of the 'century poison'. DXN is one of the highly toxic and persistent pollution. The principal model of DXN emission is difficult to obtained duo to the complex multi-stage and multi-temperature phase's physical chemical characteristics. In practical, DXN emission concentration is off-line measured with month or quarter period by quantified national laboratory with long lag time delay. Aiming at these problems, a new DXN emission concentration soft measuring method based on selective ensemble (SEN) kernel learning algorithm is proposed. At first, candidate kernel parameters and regularization parameters are given based on prior knowledge. Then, candidate sub-sub-models based on these super parameters are constructed. Thirdly, coupled optimization and weighting algorithms are used to build SEN-sub-models. Finally, these SEN-sub-models are selective combined as final SEN model by using optimization and weighting algorithms again. Simulation results based on the concrete compression strength and incineration process DXN data validate effectiveness of the proposed approach. © All Right Reserved.
来源 :
CIESC Journal
ISSN: 0438-1157
年份: 2019
期: 2
卷: 70
页码: 696-706