To better understand the characteristics of public transport commute passengers with different categories and further to better meet their customized travel demands, it is necessary to find ways to identify public transport commuters' stability accurately. Based on revealed preference survey data, public transport smart card transaction and network data, the travel chain of public transport commuter was obtained by data processing and matching. According to public transport travel behavior data of one month, five characteristic indexes were extracted to represent travel stability from the aspects of activity point, travel space and travel time. These feature indexes include the number of non-home activity categories, the proportion of typical travel chain, space balance degree, time stability and time concentration degree. Through applying FP-growth algorithm, the association rules among each characteristics attributes for different item-sets were mined depending on parameters of support, confidence and lift degree. Then, three categories of public transport commute passengers with apparently different stabilities were identified. Finally, the rationality of the proposed identification method was verified. The study results contribute to developing customized and targeted supply and demand management strategy for public transport travel, which would further help to improve the efficient and delicacy service level of public transport. © 2019, Jilin University Press. All right reserved.