Structured frames such as wavelet and Gabor frames in L2(R) have been extensively studied. But L2(R+) cannot admit wavelet and Gabor systems due to R+ being not a group under addition. In practice, L2(R+) models the causal signal space. The function-valued inner product-based Fa-frame for L2(R+) was first introduced by Hasankhani Fard and Dehghan, where an Fa-frame was called a function-valued frame. In this paper, we introduce the notions of Fa-equivalence and unitary Fa-equivalence between Fa-frames, and present a characterization of the Fa-equivalence and unitary Fa-equivalence. This characterization looks like that of equivalence and unitary equivalence between frames, but the proof is nontrivial due to the particularity of F-a-frames.