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Li, Yifan (Li, Yifan.) | Xia, Guodong (Xia, Guodong.) (学者:夏国栋) | Ma, Dandan (Ma, Dandan.) | Wang, Jun (Wang, Jun.)




The effects of fin width, cavity width and Reynolds number (Re) on the convective heat transfer characteristics in the microchannels with cavities and fins were studied by field synergy and entropy generation principle. The heat transfer enhancement mechanism of micro structures was analyzed, and the comprehensive performance of the microchannel was assessed. The results showed that the increase of fin width and cavity width was able to reduce the heat transfer synergy angle, improve the synergy relationship between flow field and temperature field obviously and enhance the convective heat transfer. However, the local vortexes caused the decrease of flow synergy angle and increased the pressure drop of the microchannels; the increase of fin width was helpful to improve the energy utilization efficiency and enhance heat transfer associated with the increase of the entropy generation rate of fluid friction; increasing the cavity width properly was able to reduce the entropy generation rate of heat transfer, but the extremely large cavity width led to the increase of the heat transfer irreversibility and flow friction; considering the pump power, relative fin width and relative cavity width, new correlation of the thermal resistance was proposed; the microchannel heat sink with relative fin width 0.2 and relative cavity width 2 yielded the lowest thermal resistance and the best overall performance. © 2019, Editorial Department of Journal of Aerospace Power. All right reserved.


Reynolds number Entropy Heat convection Microchannels Heat resistance Heat transfer coefficients Fins (heat exchange) Friction Heat transfer performance Energy utilization


  • [ 1 ] [Li, Yifan]Key Laboratory of Enhanced Heat Transfer and Energy Conservation Ministry of Education, College of Environmental and Energy Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing; 100124, China
  • [ 2 ] [Li, Yifan]School of Energy and Safety Engineering, Tianjin Chengjian University, Tianjin; 300384, China
  • [ 3 ] [Xia, Guodong]Key Laboratory of Enhanced Heat Transfer and Energy Conservation Ministry of Education, College of Environmental and Energy Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing; 100124, China
  • [ 4 ] [Ma, Dandan]Key Laboratory of Enhanced Heat Transfer and Energy Conservation Ministry of Education, College of Environmental and Energy Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing; 100124, China
  • [ 5 ] [Wang, Jun]Key Laboratory of Enhanced Heat Transfer and Energy Conservation Ministry of Education, College of Environmental and Energy Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing; 100124, China





来源 :

Journal of Aerospace Power

ISSN: 1000-8055

年份: 2019

期: 7

卷: 34

页码: 1471-1482


WoS核心集被引频次: 0

SCOPUS被引频次: 4

ESI高被引论文在榜: 0 展开所有



近30日浏览量: 6

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