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Zhou, Zheng-Hua (Zhou, Zheng-Hua.) | Li, Yu-Ping (Li, Yu-Ping.) | Zhou, You (Zhou, You.) | Li, Xiao-Jun (Li, Xiao-Jun.) (学者:李小军) | Chen, Liu (Chen, Liu.) | Su, Jie (Su, Jie.) | Dong, Qing (Dong, Qing.) | Wang, Ya-Fei (Wang, Ya-Fei.)




Studies on the effect of near-surface overburden soil layers on seismic motion have shown that the overburden soil layers have a significant impact on the seismic effect of the site due to the formation age, genetic type, thickness difference, structure, and dynamic characteristics of the soil layers. In this paper, the one-dimensional seismic response analysis of a nuclear power plant site containing a thick hard interlayer was conducted to discuss the influence of the hard interlayer thickness on the site seismic response, so as to provide a basis for determining the seismic motion parameters for seismic design of similar sites. Based on the engineering geological data of a nuclear power plant site, five models of one-dimensional soil-layer seismic response analysis were built, and the equivalent linear method of the one-dimensional site seismic response was applied to analyze the effect of the interlayer thickness on the peak acceleration and the acceleration response spectra of the site seismic response. The seismic response characteristics of the site and influence rules of the hard interlayer thickness are summarized as follows: 1)Under different input seismic motion levels, the peak acceleration at the top of the hard interlayer was less than the input peak acceleration, and the peak acceleration at the ground surface of site was greater than the input peak acceleration. 2)Under the same input seismic motion, the ratios of the peak accelerations at the top of hard interlayer to the input peak accelerations were smaller than the ratios of the peak accelerations at the ground surface to the input peak acceleration, and these ratios first decreased and then increased gradually with the increase of the hard interlayer thickness; while for the same hard interlayer thickness, these ratios gradually decreased as the input peak acceleration increasing. 3)For the same input seismic motion, the ratios of the peak accelerations at the ground surface of site to those at the top of the hard interlayer increased gradually as the hard interlayer thickness increased; however, corresponding to different hard interlayer thicknesses, the variation characteristics of ratios which are the peak accelerations at the ground surface of site to those at the top of the hard interlayer were inconsistent with the increase of the input peak acceleration. 4)The hard interlayer had a significant influence on the short-period acceleration response spectrum and the thicker the hard interlayer was, the wider the influence frequency band would be; while for a special hard interlayer thickness, the influence frequency band is certain, and the hard interlayer had little effect on the acceleration response spectrum coordinates outside this frequency band, the longer the period is, the less the influence of the hard interlayer on the acceleration response spectrum coordinates. The seismic response characteristics of the site and influence rules of the hard interlayer thickness indicate that the hard interlayer thickness has a significant impact on the peak acceleration and the acceleration response spectra of the site seismic response, and the hard interlayer has obvious isolation effect at the seismic motion, and the increase of its thickness reduces the nonlinear effect of the site and leads to the wider influence frequency band. Meanwhile, the higher the input peak acceleration is, the stronger the nonlinear effect of the site, and it's remarkable that the soft layer overlying the hard interlayer has a significant amplification effect on the seismic motion. © 2019, Editorial Office of Seismology and Geology. All right reserved.


Nuclear energy Seismic design Nuclear power plants Earthquakes Nonlinear analysis Acceleration Spectrum analysis Seismic response Soils Nuclear fuels


  • [ 1 ] [Zhou, Zheng-Hua]College of Transportation Science & Engineering, Nanjing Tech University, Nanjing; 210009, China
  • [ 2 ] [Li, Yu-Ping]College of Transportation Science & Engineering, Nanjing Tech University, Nanjing; 210009, China
  • [ 3 ] [Zhou, You]Cores and Samples Center of Land & Resources, China Geological Survey, Sanhe; 065201, China
  • [ 4 ] [Li, Xiao-Jun]College of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing; 100124, China
  • [ 5 ] [Chen, Liu]College of Transportation Science & Engineering, Nanjing Tech University, Nanjing; 210009, China
  • [ 6 ] [Su, Jie]College of Transportation Science & Engineering, Nanjing Tech University, Nanjing; 210009, China
  • [ 7 ] [Dong, Qing]College of Transportation Science & Engineering, Nanjing Tech University, Nanjing; 210009, China
  • [ 8 ] [Wang, Ya-Fei]College of Transportation Science & Engineering, Nanjing Tech University, Nanjing; 210009, China


  • [zhou, you]cores and samples center of land & resources, china geological survey, sanhe; 065201, china




来源 :

Dizhen Dizhi

ISSN: 0253-4967

年份: 2019

期: 5

卷: 41

页码: 1254-1265



SCOPUS被引频次: 3

ESI高被引论文在榜: 0 展开所有



近30日浏览量: 2

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