In order to obtain the discharge heat transfer of molten salt in single energy storage tank and improve the heat transfer, the discharge of molten salt with three different energy storage tanks was studied by experiment. Heat discharge performance of single energy storage tank system is analyzed by molten salt temperature distribution, the heat exchanger outlet temperature, transient heat transfer, the energy depletion and heat exchanger effectiveness. The results showed that the single storage tank with a cylindrical baffle and the cold air inlet in the top is the best heat transfer mode. With the baffle, minimal thermal stratification develops within the bulk storage fluid;the heat exchanger outlet temperature and transient heat transfer are both achieved the highest;heat exchanger effectiveness is also the highest and extract time is the least. The results in this paper can be a base for the design of single energy storage tank. © 2018, Editorial Board of Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica. All right reserved.