In order to study the mechanical properties and to improve the connecting reliability of grouted sleeve splicing for rebars under seismic action, grouted sleeve splices were prepared for steel bars with a diameter of 25 mm and 28 mm, respectively. High stress repeated tension-compression loading tests were conducted to investigate the important indexes, including the failure mode, connection performance, damage distribution of the cementitious grout and strain variation of hoop-confinement. The test results show that the failure mode is fracture of the steel bar with an embedded length of eight times the bar diameter. However, severe damage occurs at the end of the cementitious grout, with the damage depth of about 8% of the total length of the sleeve. The yield displacement of grouted sleeve splices is smaller than that of the same type of steel. The effect of high stress repeated tension-compression loading on the connection performance is not obvious. The indexes of yield ratio, strength ratio, ductility ratio, and capacity ratio were used to evaluate the connection performance of splices. The results show that the yield ratio of splices is greater than one and the ductility ratios of grouted sleeve splices are all over four. However, the capacity ratio of splices of 25 mm steel bars is only 51% of that of the 28 mm bars, which may be optimized to reduce its effect on the seismic performance of structural members. © 2018, Editorial Office of Journal of Building Structures. All right reserved.