Based on the offshore ground motions recorded in California, U.S, and the Sagami trough zone, Japan, the offshore ground motions time-frequency distribution features were analyzed by the Hilbert-Huang transform method. The acceleration spectrum and dynamic amplification factor β spectrum were compared with the design spectra in relevant seismic design standards. The research results indicate that the offshore ground motions contain a wealth of long period component sand that the long period and ultra-long period components were dominant in frequency range. The normalized marginal spectrum's energy distribution was correlated with epicenter distance. The horizontal offshore ground motion's intensity was much greater than that of the vertical ground motion. Moreover, findings show that the dynamic amplification factor β-values of most offshore ground motions are greater than the current platform value of seismic design standards used, which means that their long-period components are much larger than the seismic design standards(i.e., it is risky to use offshore facility seismic design by land seismic design standards). In view of these results, there are many engineering structures such as long-span bridges and oil and gas platforms whose long period components of offshore ground motions warrant more attention in offshore engineering structure seismic design. © 2018, Editorial Office of Journal of Vibration and Shock. All right reserved.