In order to study the seismic behavior of special-shaped concrete-filled steel tubular (CFT) octagon section mega-columns with different configurations, four 1/30-scaled mega-column specimens were designed and tested under low-cycle reversal loading. Focus was given to their damage evolution behavior, hysteretic characteristics, bearing capacity, stiffness degradation, ductility, and energy dissipation. Four different section properties were considered, namely, basic configuration with 13 cells, simplified configuration with 5 cells, section strengthened with corner angle, and section strengthened with corner circular steel tube. The research shows that among the four different cross-section configurations, the one strengthened with corner circular steel tube shows the most favorable seismic performance, and the corner steel angle also leads to satisfactory behavior. The bearing capacity of the sections with 5 cells and 13 cells differs significantly, and the ductility of the former is better. In addition, the two configurations lead to similar energy dissipation. The average yielding drift ratio of specimens is 1/111, and the drift ratios at failure point of specimens are all larger than 1/37 indicating good ductility. The estimated load bearing capacity using strip method is shown to agree well with the test results. © 2018, Editorial Office of Journal of Building Structures. All right reserved.