Mesocarbon microbeads (MCMB) anode material has recieved great social concern as a new material, and the environmental pollution caused by the production process is gradually increasing as also. In this research, energy consumption and carbon emission of MCMB anode material during the whole life cycle were quantified and analyzed. The functional unit was defined as 1 t MCMB anode material. The system boundary included raw material acquisition, energy supply and material production stage. The energy consumption structure of MCMB anode material was analyzed and the key factor of carbon emission was identified. The energy consumption analysis results showed that life cycle energy consumption of 1 t MCMB anode material is 149.37 GJ, the primary energy consumption structure is raw coal (82.82%), crude oil (11.03%) and natural gas (6.15%), and the energy production stage is the main consumer of all stages (energy production, resource production and product transportation), accounting for 80.81% to the total. The results of carbon emission analysis showed that the carbon emission of 1 t of MCMB anode material is 11 824.61 kg CO2 -eq. Electricity, soft pitch and coke oven gas were sensitive to carbon emissions, and adjusting the energy structure of MCMB was effective to reducing carbon emissions. © 2018, Materials Review Magazine. All right reserved.