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Wang, Lin-Tai (Wang, Lin-Tai.) | Gao, Wen-Xue (Gao, Wen-Xue.) (学者:高文学) | Zhang, Fa-Cai (Zhang, Fa-Cai.) | Cao, Xiao-Li (Cao, Xiao-Li.)




The overall dynamic response of 28-story frame-shear wall structure is studied through field test and numerical analysis based on the blasting engineering of subway tunnel. The blasting vibration monitoring and natural excitation test are used for field test. Ibrahim time domain(ITD) method is used to determine the modal frequencies and modal damping ratio of structure to provide the basis for further analysis of the vibration response laws. The structure is simplified into a mass-spring-damper model. Based on the modal parameters identified in the tests, the stiffness matrix and damping matrix of mass-spring-damper model are fixed, and the dynamic differential equation is set up, thus calculating the modal parameters and frequency response functions of the building bending vibration. Simulink dynamic simulation model is established based on the dynamic differential equation of mass-spring-damper model. The overall vibration response law of high-rise buildings under the action of tunnel blasting seismic is analyzed by taking the velocity signal of blasting vibration as exciting signal. The results show that the vertical vibration is the largest, the longitudinal vibration is the second and the tangential vibration is the smallest under the action of blasting vibration of subway tunnel, and the lateral vibration velocity is not much different from the tangential vibration velocity at the higher floors; on the higher floors, the vibration velocity peak fluctuates with the increase in floor and is interrelated to the main modal shape, and the peak distribution of vibration velocities shows this correlation; and the high-rise building is simplified to a mass-spring-damper model, and a mathematical model of dynamic reaction is set up, and then Simulink simulation model is established for simulation calculation. This method can effectively predict the response of the structure under blasting vibration. © 2018, Editorial Board of Acta Armamentarii. All right reserved.


Modal analysis Time domain analysis Springs (components) Stiffness matrix Damping Vibration analysis Blasting Floors Velocity Railroads Frequency response Automobile seats Bending tests Tall buildings Differential equations


  • [ 1 ] [Wang, Lin-Tai]College of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing; 100124, China
  • [ 2 ] [Gao, Wen-Xue]College of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing; 100124, China
  • [ 3 ] [Zhang, Fa-Cai]Beijing Municipal Road & Bridge Group Co., Ltd., Beijing; 100068, China
  • [ 4 ] [Cao, Xiao-Li]College of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing; 100124, China






来源 :

Acta Armamentarii

ISSN: 1000-1093

年份: 2018

卷: 39

页码: 121-134



SCOPUS被引频次: 6

ESI高被引论文在榜: 0 展开所有



近30日浏览量: 6

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