To improve the performance-based seismic design (PBSD) method, it is necessary to evaluate the actual seismic damage state of components and structures according to the accurate seismic damage model or the damage index. There are several disadvantages for current seismic damage models, such as dynamic mechanism, threshold range, accuracy and suitability. According to the insufficiency of the existing models, the damage form and the degree is supposed to has substantial connection with the difference between the ideal elastic deformation energy and the actual elastic-plastic deformation energy from the viewpoint of energy dissipation.Thus the differential ratio can be used to represent the damage evolution. The mechanism and the computational method of the damage model based on energy is discussed from the viewpoint of static and dynamic energy dissipation, respectively. The damage evolution method based on differential ratio of elastic plastic dissipated energy is proposed, and the ideal elasticity energy and the overall initial yield time is obtained by multiple elastic-plastic dynamic time-history analysis. Through the comparison of the characteristics and shortcomings among various models, the advantages of the proposed model is discussed and demonstrated. The range of energy damage index for different damage gradeis defined. Finally, the accuracy, universality and feasibility of the energy model are verified by the static and dynamic inelastic analysis of reinforced concrete shear wall and frame structures. © 2018, Nanjing Univ. of Aeronautics an Astronautics. All right reserved.