With the advantages of small size, high power density and low cost, the reverse-conducting IGBT (RC-IGBT) has attracted wide attention and research interest. We review the development of RC-IGBT technology, and focus on high-voltage devices which is suitable for power grid applications. The content includes the primitive structure and operating principle, snapback problem solving, back-side doping optimization, and diode performance optimization. On the basis of the pilot IGBT structure, we further discuss the power optimization, turn-off softness, short circuit robustness, diode surge current, temperature characteristics, and other potential performance advantages of RC-IGBTs. A series of technological advances are expected to enable us to take full advantage of its performance in a wide range of applications including power grid applications. © 2018, High Voltage Engineering Editorial Department of CEPRI. All right reserved.
来源 :
High Voltage Engineering
ISSN: 1003-6520
年份: 2018
期: 10
卷: 44
页码: 3221-3230