The backwashing residuals from iron and manganese removal biological filter of underground waters was made into granular adsorbent (GA) and magnetic powder adsorbent (MPA) to solve the problem that it is difficult to separate the exhausted backwashing sludge powder adsorbent (BSPA) and treated water. The arsenic removal capability of BSPA, GA and MPA were compared. And their structure and surface feature were compared by SEM, TED, XRD, BET and FTIR to find the cause of difference in arsenic removal capability among these three adsorbents. Results showed that the maximum As (V) adsorption capacity of BSPA, GA and MPA were 40.980, 5.048 and 8.694mg/g respectively. As it suggested, the As (V) adsorption capacity of GA and MPA decreased compared to BSPA. BSPA was a mixture with amorphous structure, lepidocrocite was the main ingredient, goethite and poor crystallized ferrihydrite also mixed in it. The XRD spectrum of GA appeared crystal diffraction peaks of quartz crystal and a small amount of hematite, while the main component of MPA was maghemite with high crystallinity. There are hydroxyl functional groups that are conducive to adsorption in all three materials. The specific surface areas of BSPA, MPA and GA were 253.150, 238.660 and 43.803m2/g respectively. Phase changes and increase of crystallinity, reduction of surface hydroxyl group and decrease of specific surface area may be the main factors lower the adsorption capacity of GA and MPA compared with BSPA. © 2018, Editorial Board of China Environmental Science. All right reserved.