Seismic retrofit priority analysis of roads and bridges is essential for seismic fortification and emergency relief preparation of highway networks. First, four types of network component importance ranking indices, including beweenness centrality, network connective reliability sensitivity, post-earthquake travel time delay and normal travel time delay of components are employed in this paper to calculate the seismic retrofit importance values of bridges and roads. Second, according to the component importance values of each individual index, the integrated importance values of components were evaluated by a multi-attribute decision method based on TOPSIS. Then, the seismic retrofit priorities of transportation network components are determined by the integrated importance measures. In case study, the characteristics of these indices are analyzed by results comparisons, and differences between the component importance ranking by one index and the integrate indices are also explored. The results of the case study show that the integrated importance measure has combined the impacts of network topology, component seismic response, component transportation capacity and OD trips, and provides the fundaments for comprehensive component retrofit ranking of the highway transportation systems. © 2018, Science Press. All right reserved.